The police in Nevada are always on the lookout for signs of drunk drivers. They will pull over and arrest anyone who displays signs of obvious impairment at the wheel, as well as those who cause motor vehicle collisions.
Drunk driving charges can lead to jail time, probation and large fines. Those convicted of a driving under the influence (DUI) offense will also usually lose their driver’s license at least temporarily. Sometimes, regaining driving privileges comes with a steep cost.
Drivers may have an obligation to install an ignition interlock device (IID) in their vehicles when they seek to regain their driving privileges. Will you be one of the drivers subject to an IID requirement if you plead guilty to your DUI charges?
Not all drunk driving charges lead to an IID
Having an IID in your vehicle is a deterrent to drinking, as you know you will have to perform a test to even start your vehicle. It can also be a source of personal embarrassment, as anyone who gets into your vehicle will know about your recent DUI charge once they see the device. Many drivers feel very strongly about avoiding an IID if possible.
Nevada only requires the installation of an IID in your vehicle if your situation meets very specific standards. Typically, you need to have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of more than twice the legal limit and be a repeat offender. However, any driver who has already served 45 days of their license suspension may be able to request a restricted license if they install an IID in their vehicle.
Installing an IID can help you
While it may feel like another punishment on the heels of numerous other penalties, an IID is actually a stepping stone to get in your license back. You can create a trail of evidence that you have been making responsible decisions by passing the tests to start your vehicle whenever you want to drive and proving your ongoing sobriety by random tests while driving.
Beyond that, and you will be able to start driving again, whereas you might otherwise be left still dependent on the goodwill of others or rideshare services for the duration of your suspension. Understanding the potential consequences of a DUI charge can help you decide how you want to handle the allegations against you.